Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Inside Play

last week was gorgeous. We went to the park almost every day in the afternoon when it was sunny and 70 degrees. Then it got cold - fall is definitely here. The fog doesnt leave till lunch time and the ground is constantly wet and the clouds are coming. So we've been playing a lot inside. Days like these i wish we had a place like "scottys placehouse" back in McMinnville. (and indoor play place that was free...) although im not sure how i would chase 2 little boys around on my own.

here is what we've been up to the past 2 weeks.

The other night i was doing dishes and Tom walked into the living room and saw D passed out on the floor.

these boys were having quite the day.... toys were thrown resulting in cuts on the head and kids were falling face on the floor resulting in fat lips. Then comes baby einstein on the computer and they wanted to sit in the laundry basket...

then that didnt work. so we went to the thing they love the most. the computer chair. They look SO big.

coltons ouchy

Kemps fat lip (and his eyelashes!!)

then D wanted to have a picnic with the boys

love this next one of Mr. K.

D said she needed to pose.

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