Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkins and Brownies

these are the kiddos (and D's painted pumpkin) before our ward halloween party. The boys... oh those boys. We weren't going to do costumes for them this year but i found the tops for $2 at a thrift shop but realizedi had no pants that fit them to match HAH. so they look a little ghetto. And they hated the hoods on. But they are still cute.

I realized we didnt carve a pumpkin so last minute we bought one and After Zumba on Monday I carved one with D - plus we love roasted pumpkin seeds!

D says maybe when she's older she will touch the "gunk" in the pumpkin. she thought it was funny when i tried to "pretend" feed her

oh yes. we also made brownies - note empty plate with brownie crumbs. Theboys got upset when they didnt get any. so they had their first brownie.

this little boy LOVES to point. i love his little smirk behind his blurry pointing hand.

Tomorrow is halloween! Tom is helping his Leadership class from school at the elementary school's halloween party so we will go to that for a little bit and then back into town where the main street stores hand out candy. I think thats all i can handle with the kids on my own. 

also dont miss the other new post below - just random pictures from the past week

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