Thursday, December 2, 2010

one jealous baby

Dulany gets a little jealous of Ayla....

Ayla is using some of Dulany's old toys (toy mat/bouncer seat) and i dont think she knows it.. but she is very protective of them. She has also gained a love for the infant swing. She never had one but when ayla comes over (when i watch her) she has the swing here and Dulany wants to be in it all the time. she can climb in it herself and everything..

this is the result of me putting Ayla in the swing....

here are other pictures of Dulany playing nice with her cousin:

then a cute picture of her watching "elmos world" - she is obsessed. everything elmo. she can see him a mile away (aka in walmart, she saw elmo pinatas in the party section.. we cant see it but all we hear is ELMO!)

1 comment:

Jody and Alex said...

Oh my word, that picture is so sad of her crying! Can't wait to see you guys in a few days!