Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Justin Beiber and Patty Cake.

So, oprah was on and justin beiber was on performing. Right when i turned to it and Dulany heard him singing...she was looking in the mirror at "her friend" and was talking to herself when she heard him and BAM, she was glued to that tv.

here she is doing patty cake. Usually when i say (or anyone says) patty cake she starts clapping. But i think she's got it down. she does the patting, clapping and rolling, I got it on video although she was doing it way better this morning. and i have to do it from the couch because otherwise she'll just go for the camera and wont do it.. that litle stinker.

on a sour note. i think we're going to have to try sleep training Dulany again. She has been so hard to get to sleep lately i dont know what it is. we keep saying she's probably teething but nothings happening with teeth popping up so im afraid she's just used to it. getting her to sleep wont be too hard with her crying. its the waking up in the middle of the night (which she's been doing EVERY Night at 3-4am) and making her cry it out because i still don't sleep and she like makes herself sick the way she cries. Oh well! here goes anohter round of it.

and for your viewing pleasure, her standing up on our gate.. trying to look at us in the bathroom/bedroom whenw e go back there. Ps. she can stand by herself, not holding onto anything for a long amount of time! she's gonna be walking in no time.

1 comment:

Jody and Alex said...

that video of her watching Oprah is too funny. She is sooo big and sooo stinking cute. I had fun watching her do patty cake on skype today!