Monday, June 1, 2009

She better be a She..

So. I think ive become worried now... about the sex of the baby that is. My friend JUST had her baby and according to all the 'surprising news' on her facebook wall, well... her baby girl came out to be a baby boy. This has happened in our ward i think 3 times now since we've been here. All supposed to be one sex, then comes out the other. We just had a girl in our ward a few months ago who was supposed to have a girl, and out came a little boy.. and then another girl got lucky, she went to the doctor here (after being out of rexburg for her other ultrasound) and they did another ultrasound and found out what they thought was going to be a girl is going to be a boy, so luckiyl she found out a few weeks before she's gonna have the baby.

All i know. is i may have to ask my doctor for another ultrasound JUST to make sure... i dont want to pop out this baby and have it be a boy and have all girly clothes and wall decor, but yeah... it would be nice for the baby to leave the hospital looking like its appropriate sex. Lets hope little Dulany comes out as Dulany... if not, good thing we have boys names picked out!

ps. we just found out the 2 boys names we want to use (Brady and Mason) are used by Melissa Joan Heart... gross. Oh well, good thing nobody really likes her anymore!


Anonymous said...

I went to my friend TaNelle's house this morning and told her about your friend. She has a 7 month old girl, and at first they said it was a boy, and then a girl. and then they said they really didnt know what it was going to be. so crazy!

Traci said...

Haha that is awesome! I would worry about that too! Either way though, your baby is going to be suuuuuuuuuper cute, so no worries :)